US slashes number of refugees to 30,000

The US says it will cap the number of refugees allowed into the country next year at a near record low of 30,000.

It compares with a 45,000-refugee limit set by President Donald Trump for 2018 and 50,000 the year before.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced “the new refugee ceiling”, adding the US would also process more than 280,000 asylum seekers in 2019.

The India fishermen using cheap smartphones to map the coast

Trapped between rising sea levels and development projects that are eating into the coastline of the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu, fishing communities using cheap technology have taken matters into their own hands, reports Mahima A Jain.

More than 40 fishing villages around Chennai (formerly Madras) have created land use maps using open source software and affordable technology. A land use map helps identify which areas of land are used for which purpose.

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