Equities Analysts Issue Forecasts for Trillium Therapeutics Inc’s Q3 2018 Earnings (TRIL)
Trillium Therapeutics Inc (NASDAQ:TRIL) (TSE:TR) – Equities research analysts at Leerink Swann upped their Q3 2018 earnings per share (EPS) estimates for shares of Trillium Therapeutics in a report released on Wednesday, November 14th. Leerink Swann analyst J. Chang now expects that the biotechnology company will post earnings of ($0.69) per share for the quarter, up from their prior forecast of ($0.78). Leerink Swann also issued estimates for Trillium Therapeutics’ Q4 2018 earnings at ($0.78) EPS, FY2018 earnings at ($2.42) EPS and FY2019 earnings at ($1.34) EPS.