Onto Innovation Inc. (NYSE: ONTO) fell to close at $71.54 Monday after losing $0.65 (0.90%) on volume of 286,078 shares. The stock ranged from a high of $72.77 to a low of $71.19 while Onto Innovation’s market cap now stands at $3,524,615,407.
About Onto Innovation Inc.
Onto Innovation is a leader in process control, combining global scale with an expanded portfolio of leading-edge technologies that include: Un-patterned wafer quality; 3D metrology spanning chip features from nanometer scale transistors to large die interconnects; macro defect inspection of wafers and packages; elemental layer composition; overlay metrology; factory analytics; and lithography for advanced semiconductor packaging. Its breadth of offerings across the entire semiconductor value chain helps its customers solve their most difficult yield, device performance, quality, and reliability issues. Onto Innovation strives to optimize customers’ critical path of progress by making them smarter, faster and more efficient. Headquartered in Wilmington, Massachusetts, Onto Innovation supports customers with a worldwide sales and service organization.