Schroders plc (LON:SDR) Given Average Rating of “Hold” by Analysts

Schroders plc (LON:SDR) Given Average Rating of “Hold” by Analysts

Shares of Schroders plc (LON:SDR – Get Rating) have been given an average rating of “Hold” by the eight ratings firms that are presently covering the company, MarketBeat reports. Eight equities research analysts have rated the stock with a hold recommendation. The average 1-year price target among analysts that have issued ratings on the stock in the last year is GBX 3,485.67 ($43.86).

SDR has been the topic of several research analyst reports. Citigroup reissued a “neutral” rating on shares of Schroders in a report on Monday, April 11th. Canaccord Genuity Group decreased their target price on Schroders from GBX 3,579 ($45.04) to GBX 3,544 ($44.60) and set a “hold” rating on the stock in a report on Friday, January 28th. JPMorgan Chase & Co. decreased their target price on Schroders from GBX 3,500 ($44.04) to GBX 3,400 ($42.78) and set a “neutral” rating on the stock in a report on Tuesday, May 3rd. Royal Bank of Canada reaffirmed a “sector perform” rating and issued a GBX 3,200 ($40.27) target price on shares of Schroders in a report on Wednesday, April 20th. Finally, Morgan Stanley reaffirmed an “equal weight” rating on shares of Schroders in a report on Wednesday, May 11th.

Schroders stock opened at GBX 2,866 ($36.06) on Tuesday. The company has a quick ratio of 1.25, a current ratio of 1.35 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 8.45. The company has a market capitalization of £8.10 billion and a P/E ratio of 13.19. The stock’s 50 day moving average is GBX 3,053.03 and its 200 day moving average is GBX 3,275.31. Schroders has a twelve month low of GBX 2,674 ($33.65) and a twelve month high of GBX 3,913 ($49.24).

The business also recently declared a dividend, which was paid on Thursday, May 5th. Investors of record on Thursday, March 24th were given a GBX 85 ($1.07) dividend. The ex-dividend date was Thursday, March 24th. This represents a yield of 2.76%. This is a positive change from Schroders’s previous dividend of $37.00. Schroders’s dividend payout ratio (DPR) is currently 0.53%.

In other Schroders news, insider Peter Harrison sold 4,606 shares of the firm’s stock in a transaction dated Friday, March 4th. The shares were sold at an average price of GBX 2,894 ($36.42), for a total value of £133,297.64 ($167,733.28).

About Schroders (Get Rating)

Schroders plc is a publicly owned investment manager. The firm also provides advisory and consultancy services. It provides its services to financial institutions, high net worth clients, large corporate, local authority, charitable entities, individuals, pension plans, government funds, insurance companies, and endowments.

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