Forterra plc (LON:FORT) Given Consensus Rating of “Buy” by Brokerages

Forterra plc (LON:FORT) Given Consensus Rating of “Buy” by Brokerages

Shares of Forterra plc (LON:FORT – Get Rating) have earned a consensus rating of “Buy” from the six brokerages that are covering the company, reports. Three equities research analysts have rated the stock with a hold recommendation and three have given a buy recommendation to the company. The average 12-month price objective among brokerages that have covered the stock in the last year is GBX 319.50 ($3.99).

FORT has been the subject of a number of recent analyst reports. Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft reaffirmed a “buy” rating and set a GBX 340 ($4.25) price target on shares of Forterra in a report on Friday, March 11th. Berenberg Bank reissued a “hold” rating and issued a GBX 280 ($3.50) target price on shares of Forterra in a research note on Monday, January 17th.

FORT stock opened at GBX 238 ($2.97) on Friday. The business has a fifty day moving average price of GBX 235.26 and a 200 day moving average price of GBX 251.62. Forterra has a fifty-two week low of GBX 197.40 ($2.47) and a fifty-two week high of GBX 330 ($4.12). The stock has a market capitalization of £531.56 million and a price-to-earnings ratio of 12.08. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 7.28, a current ratio of 1.26 and a quick ratio of 0.87.

The firm also recently announced a dividend, which will be paid on Friday, July 8th. Shareholders of record on Thursday, June 16th will be issued a dividend of GBX 6.70 ($0.08) per share. The ex-dividend date of this dividend is Thursday, June 16th. This is a positive change from Forterra’s previous dividend of $3.20. This represents a yield of 3%. Forterra’s payout ratio is currently 0.30%.

In other news, insider Stephen Harrison purchased 1,726 shares of the business’s stock in a transaction dated Tuesday, April 12th. The shares were bought at an average cost of GBX 230 ($2.87) per share, for a total transaction of £3,969.80 ($4,959.15).

About Forterra (Get Rating)

Forterra plc manufactures and sells masonry products in the United Kingdom. It operates through three segments: Bricks, Blocks, and Bespoke Products. The company offers bricks; aircrete and aggregate blocks; and bespoke products comprising precast concrete flooring, concrete block paving, and chimney and roofing components, as well as other building products under the London Brick, Butterley Brick, Ecostock, Cradley, Thermalite, Conbloc, Bison Precast, Jetfloor, Red Bank, and Formpave brand names.

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