United Airlines (UAL) Set to Announce Earnings on Wednesday

United Airlines (UAL) Set to Announce Earnings on Wednesday

United Airlines (NASDAQ:UAL) is set to post its quarterly earnings results after the market closes on Wednesday, January 19th. Analysts expect United Airlines to post earnings of ($2.16) per share for the quarter. Individual interested in participating in the company’s earnings conference call can do so using this link.

United Airlines (NASDAQ:UAL) last announced its quarterly earnings data on Monday, October 18th. The transportation company reported ($1.02) EPS for the quarter, topping the Zacks’ consensus estimate of ($1.65) by $0.63. United Airlines had a negative return on equity of 112.46% and a negative net margin of 16.19%. The company had revenue of $7.75 billion during the quarter, compared to the consensus estimate of $7.64 billion. During the same quarter last year, the company earned ($8.16) EPS. The company’s quarterly revenue was up 211.4% on a year-over-year basis. On average, analysts expect United Airlines to post $-14 EPS for the current fiscal year and $2 EPS for the next fiscal year.

UAL stock opened at $46.90 on Wednesday. The stock has a market capitalization of $15.18 billion, a price-to-earnings ratio of -4.43 and a beta of 1.48. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 5.85, a current ratio of 1.36 and a quick ratio of 1.31. The business has a fifty day moving average price of $45.60 and a 200 day moving average price of $46.92. United Airlines has a fifty-two week low of $38.88 and a fifty-two week high of $63.70.

A number of equities analysts have weighed in on the company. Cowen boosted their price target on United Airlines from $72.00 to $78.00 and gave the stock an “outperform” rating in a research report on Thursday, October 21st. MKM Partners upgraded United Airlines from a “neutral” rating to a “buy” rating and set a $54.00 price target for the company in a research note on Monday, January 3rd. Finally, Morgan Stanley cut their price target on United Airlines from $70.00 to $64.00 and set an “equal weight” rating for the company in a research note on Tuesday, September 14th. Two analysts have rated the stock with a sell rating, five have assigned a hold rating and six have given a buy rating to the company’s stock. Based on data from MarketBeat.com, the stock has a consensus rating of “Hold” and an average target price of $62.46.

United Airlines Company Profile

United Airlines Holdings, Inc is a holding company, which offers satellite based Wi-Fi, including on long-haul overseas routes. It transports people and cargo throughout North America and to destinations in Asia, Europe, Africa, the Pacific, the Middle East and Latin America. UAL, through United and its regional carriers.

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