Lockheed Martin Co. (NYSE:LMT – Get Free Report) shares rose 0.1% on Tuesday . The stock traded as high as $469.12 and last traded at $467.32. Approximately 132,780 shares traded hands during trading, a decline of 88% from the average daily volume of 1,092,278 shares. The stock had previously closed at $467.08.
Analysts Set New Price Targets
Several brokerages have recently commented on LMT. JPMorgan Chase & Co. upgraded shares of Lockheed Martin from a “neutral” rating to an “overweight” rating and increased their price target for the stock from $475.00 to $518.00 in a research note on Monday, April 15th. Susquehanna cut their target price on Lockheed Martin from $550.00 to $540.00 and set a “positive” rating on the stock in a report on Wednesday, January 24th. Wells Fargo & Company boosted their price target on Lockheed Martin from $460.00 to $480.00 and gave the stock an “equal weight” rating in a research report on Thursday, April 25th. The Goldman Sachs Group lowered their price objective on Lockheed Martin from $380.00 to $377.00 and set a “sell” rating on the stock in a report on Tuesday, April 23rd. Finally, Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft upped their target price on Lockheed Martin from $467.00 to $487.00 and gave the stock a “hold” rating in a research report on Thursday, April 25th. One equities research analyst has rated the stock with a sell rating, six have given a hold rating, three have given a buy rating and one has assigned a strong buy rating to the company. Based on data from MarketBeat.com, Lockheed Martin currently has an average rating of “Hold” and an average price target of $485.40.
Lockheed Martin Stock Performance
The firm has a market cap of $112.37 billion, a price-to-earnings ratio of 17.10, a P/E/G ratio of 4.26 and a beta of 0.46. The firm’s 50 day moving average price is $455.25 and its 200-day moving average price is $446.85. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 2.89, a current ratio of 1.30 and a quick ratio of 1.11.
Lockheed Martin (NYSE:LMT – Get Free Report) last announced its quarterly earnings data on Tuesday, April 23rd. The aerospace company reported $6.33 EPS for the quarter, beating analysts’ consensus estimates of $5.80 by $0.53. Lockheed Martin had a net margin of 9.73% and a return on equity of 85.96%. The business had revenue of $17.20 billion during the quarter, compared to analyst estimates of $16.04 billion. During the same quarter in the prior year, the business earned $6.43 earnings per share. The firm’s revenue for the quarter was up 13.7% on a year-over-year basis. On average, analysts anticipate that Lockheed Martin Co. will post 26.17 earnings per share for the current year.
Lockheed Martin Announces Dividend
The company also recently announced a quarterly dividend, which will be paid on Friday, June 28th. Investors of record on Monday, June 3rd will be paid a $3.15 dividend. The ex-dividend date is Monday, June 3rd. This represents a $12.60 dividend on an annualized basis and a dividend yield of 2.69%. Lockheed Martin’s payout ratio is 46.10%.
Insiders Place Their Bets
In other news, SVP Maryanne Lavan sold 4,022 shares of the stock in a transaction on Tuesday, March 5th. The shares were sold at an average price of $434.39, for a total value of $1,747,116.58. The sale was disclosed in a legal filing with the Securities & Exchange Commission, which is accessible through this link. In related news, SVP Maryanne Lavan sold 4,022 shares of the stock in a transaction dated Tuesday, March 5th. The shares were sold at an average price of $434.39, for a total transaction of $1,747,116.58. The sale was disclosed in a legal filing with the Securities & Exchange Commission, which is available at the SEC website. Also, insider Gregory M. Ulmer sold 6,204 shares of Lockheed Martin stock in a transaction dated Tuesday, March 5th. The shares were sold at an average price of $431.19, for a total transaction of $2,675,102.76. Following the transaction, the insider now directly owns 12,604 shares of the company’s stock, valued at $5,434,718.76. The disclosure for this sale can be found here. Insiders have sold 16,874 shares of company stock worth $7,249,946 over the last 90 days. Corporate insiders own 0.14% of the company’s stock.
Institutional Investors Weigh In On Lockheed Martin
A number of hedge funds and other institutional investors have recently bought and sold shares of the business. First Pacific Financial acquired a new position in Lockheed Martin during the 1st quarter worth about $25,000. Altshuler Shaham Ltd acquired a new position in shares of Lockheed Martin during the fourth quarter worth approximately $26,000. Wiser Advisor Group LLC grew its stake in shares of Lockheed Martin by 65.8% during the first quarter. Wiser Advisor Group LLC now owns 63 shares of the aerospace company’s stock valued at $29,000 after purchasing an additional 25 shares during the last quarter. Bank Julius Baer & Co. Ltd Zurich increased its holdings in shares of Lockheed Martin by 73.0% in the third quarter. Bank Julius Baer & Co. Ltd Zurich now owns 64 shares of the aerospace company’s stock valued at $26,000 after purchasing an additional 27 shares in the last quarter. Finally, Activest Wealth Management raised its position in Lockheed Martin by 1,200.0% in the 4th quarter. Activest Wealth Management now owns 65 shares of the aerospace company’s stock worth $30,000 after purchasing an additional 60 shares during the last quarter. 74.19% of the stock is owned by institutional investors and hedge funds.
About Lockheed Martin
Lockheed Martin Corporation, a security and aerospace company, engages in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration, and sustainment of technology systems, products, and services worldwide. The company operates through Aeronautics, Missiles and Fire Control, Rotary and Mission Systems, and Space segments.