MultiPlan Co. (NYSE:MPLN – Get Free Report)’s share price gapped up before the market opened on Thursday . The stock had previously closed at $0.82, but opened at $0.84. MultiPlan shares last traded at $0.83, with a volume of 90,579 shares traded.
MultiPlan Stock Performance
The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 2.65, a quick ratio of 1.16 and a current ratio of 1.16. The stock has a fifty day simple moving average of $1.10 and a two-hundred day simple moving average of $1.41. The stock has a market capitalization of $501.51 million, a price-to-earnings ratio of -5.33 and a beta of 0.65.
MultiPlan (NYSE:MPLN – Get Free Report) last issued its earnings results on Thursday, February 29th. The company reported ($0.06) EPS for the quarter. The firm had revenue of $244.14 million during the quarter. MultiPlan had a negative net margin of 9.54% and a negative return on equity of 8.31%.
Institutional Investors Weigh In On MultiPlan
Hedge funds have recently modified their holdings of the stock. Neo Ivy Capital Management bought a new position in shares of MultiPlan in the second quarter worth $28,000. Power Corp of Canada purchased a new stake in shares of MultiPlan during the first quarter worth about $33,000. Commerce Bank purchased a new stake in MultiPlan in the second quarter worth about $25,000. Virtu Financial LLC purchased a new stake in MultiPlan in the second quarter worth about $70,000. Finally, Sei Investments Co. purchased a new stake in MultiPlan in the third quarter worth about $26,000. Institutional investors own 78.47% of the company’s stock.
MultiPlan Company Profile
MultiPlan Corporation, together with its subsidiaries, provides data analytics and technology-enabled cost management, payment, and revenue integrity solutions to the healthcare industry in the United States. The company offers analytics-based services that reduce medical costs, through data-driven algorithms and insights that detect claims over-charges and negotiate or recommend reimbursement; and network-based services that provide contracted discounts with healthcare providers, as well as outsourced network development and management services.