Shares of Experian plc (LON:EXPN – Get Rating) have been assigned an average rating of “Hold” from the eight analysts that are presently covering the firm, Marketbeat reports. One equities research analyst has rated the stock with a sell rating, four have given a hold rating and three have given a buy rating to the company. The average 1-year price target among brokers that have issued ratings on the stock in the last year is GBX 2,955.40 ($36.59).
EXPN has been the topic of a number of recent research reports. Credit Suisse Group cut shares of Experian to a “neutral” rating and cut their price objective for the stock from GBX 3,250 ($40.24) to GBX 2,900 ($35.90) in a report on Wednesday. Shore Capital restated a “buy” rating on shares of Experian in a report on Tuesday, January 17th. Citigroup reiterated a “neutral” rating and set a GBX 2,827 ($35.00) price target on shares of Experian in a report on Friday, November 11th. Barclays reiterated an “overweight” rating and set a GBX 3,250 ($40.24) price target on shares of Experian in a report on Thursday, November 17th. Finally, JPMorgan Chase & Co. reiterated an “overweight” rating on shares of Experian in a report on Tuesday, November 29th.
Experian Stock Performance
Shares of LON:EXPN opened at GBX 2,895 ($35.84) on Friday. The company has a market cap of £26.67 billion and a price-to-earnings ratio of 3,366.28. The company has a 50-day moving average price of GBX 2,894.36 and a 200-day moving average price of GBX 2,799.96. The company has a current ratio of 0.77, a quick ratio of 0.76 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 110.07. Experian has a 12 month low of GBX 2,242 ($27.76) and a 12 month high of GBX 3,222 ($39.89).
Experian Cuts Dividend
The business also recently announced a dividend, which will be paid on Friday, February 3rd. Investors of record on Thursday, January 5th will be paid a dividend of $0.17 per share. The ex-dividend date of this dividend is Thursday, January 5th. This represents a yield of 0.5%. Experian’s payout ratio is 60.31%.
Experian Company Profile
Experian plc, together with its subsidiaries, operates as a technology company. The company operates through two segments, Business-to-Business and Consumer Services. It provides data services to identify and understand the customers, as well as to manage the risks related with lending. The company also offers analytical and decision tools that enhance businesses to manage their customers, minimize the risk of fraud, comply with legal requirements, and automate decisions and processes.