Atrion (NASDAQ:ATRI – Get Rating) was downgraded by from a “buy” rating to a “hold” rating in a research report issued to clients and investors on Friday.
Atrion stock opened at $652.90 on Friday. The firm’s fifty day moving average price is $718.49 and its two-hundred day moving average price is $702.88. The firm has a market capitalization of $1.17 billion, a price-to-earnings ratio of 35.91 and a beta of 0.09. Atrion has a 1-year low of $579.96 and a 1-year high of $805.62.
Atrion (NASDAQ:ATRI – Get Rating) last issued its earnings results on Friday, February 25th. The medical instruments supplier reported $4.50 earnings per share for the quarter. The firm had revenue of $40.29 million during the quarter. Atrion had a net margin of 20.03% and a return on equity of 13.64%.
Several hedge funds have recently bought and sold shares of ATRI. Confluence Wealth Services Inc. purchased a new position in shares of Atrion during the fourth quarter worth approximately $29,000. Eagle Bay Advisors LLC raised its stake in shares of Atrion by 87.5% during the third quarter. Eagle Bay Advisors LLC now owns 45 shares of the medical instruments supplier’s stock worth $31,000 after acquiring an additional 21 shares in the last quarter. Captrust Financial Advisors increased its stake in shares of Atrion by 888.9% in the third quarter. Captrust Financial Advisors now owns 89 shares of the medical instruments supplier’s stock worth $62,000 after buying an additional 80 shares during the period. Wilen Investment Management CORP. purchased a new position in shares of Atrion in the third quarter worth $108,000. Finally, Royal Bank of Canada increased its stake in shares of Atrion by 74.0% in the second quarter. Royal Bank of Canada now owns 228 shares of the medical instruments supplier’s stock worth $141,000 after buying an additional 97 shares during the period. 66.39% of the stock is currently owned by hedge funds and other institutional investors.
Atrion Company Profile
Atrion Corporation, together with its subsidiaries, develops, manufactures, and sells products for fluid delivery, cardiovascular, and ophthalmology applications in the United States, Canada, Europe, and internationally. Its fluid delivery products include valves that fill, hold, and release controlled amounts of fluids or gasses for use in various intubation, intravenous, catheter, and other applications in the anesthesia and oncology fields, as well as promote infection control in hospital and home healthcare environments.