BP (LON:BP) Price Target Cut to GBX 450

BP (LON:BP) Price Target Cut to GBX 450

BP (LON:BP – Get Rating) had its target price decreased by equities research analysts at Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft from GBX 455 ($5.99) to GBX 450 ($5.92) in a note issued to investors on Wednesday, MarketBeat reports. The firm currently has a “buy” rating on the oil and gas exploration company’s stock. Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft’s price target would suggest a potential upside of 21.20% from the company’s current price.

A number of other research analysts also recently issued reports on BP. Citigroup reissued a “neutral” rating and issued a GBX 375 ($4.94) price target on shares of BP in a report on Monday, February 28th. JPMorgan Chase & Co. lowered their price target on shares of BP from GBX 500 ($6.58) to GBX 480 ($6.32) and set an “overweight” rating on the stock in a report on Thursday, March 10th. Berenberg Bank decreased their price objective on shares of BP from GBX 475 ($6.25) to GBX 450 ($5.92) and set a “buy” rating for the company in a research report on Monday, February 28th. Barclays restated an “overweight” rating and set a GBX 700 ($9.22) target price on shares of BP in a research report on Monday. Finally, Morgan Stanley lifted their price target on BP from GBX 401 ($5.28) to GBX 465 ($6.12) and gave the company an “equal weight” rating in a research note on Friday, February 11th. Five analysts have rated the stock with a hold rating and four have assigned a buy rating to the stock. Based on data from MarketBeat.com, the company currently has a consensus rating of “Hold” and a consensus price target of GBX 445 ($5.86).

BP stock opened at GBX 371.30 ($4.89) on Wednesday. The company has a market capitalization of £72.31 billion and a P/E ratio of 12.98. BP has a 12 month low of GBX 275.85 ($3.63) and a 12 month high of GBX 419.15 ($5.52). The firm’s fifty day simple moving average is GBX 382.31 and its 200-day simple moving average is GBX 352.71. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 77.17, a current ratio of 1.15 and a quick ratio of 0.73.

In other BP news, insider Bernard Looney purchased 83 shares of the stock in a transaction dated Thursday, March 10th. The stock was acquired at an average cost of GBX 372 ($4.90) per share, for a total transaction of £308.76 ($406.48). Also, insider Murray Auchincloss acquired 90 shares of BP stock in a transaction that occurred on Thursday, February 10th. The stock was bought at an average price of GBX 410 ($5.40) per share, for a total transaction of £369 ($485.78).

BP Company Profile 

BP p.l.c. engages in the energy business worldwide. It operates through Gas & Low Carbon Energy, Oil Production & Operations, Customers & Products, and Rosneft segments. It produces and trades in natural gas; offers biofuels; operates onshore and offshore wind power, and solar power generating facilities; and provides de-carbonization solutions and services, such as hydrogen, and carbon capture, usage and storage.

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