$0.05 EPS Expected for Coupa Software Incorporated (NASDAQ:COUP) This Quarter

$0.05 EPS Expected for Coupa Software Incorporated (NASDAQ:COUP) This Quarter

Brokerages predict that Coupa Software Incorporated (NASDAQ:COUP) will report earnings per share (EPS) of $0.05 for the current quarter, according to Zacks. Seven analysts have issued estimates for Coupa Software’s earnings. The lowest EPS estimate is $0.04 and the highest is $0.06. Coupa Software posted earnings per share of $0.17 in the same quarter last year, which suggests a negative year-over-year growth rate of 70.6%. The company is scheduled to announce its next quarterly earnings report after the market closes on Monday, March 14th.

According to Zacks, analysts expect that Coupa Software will report full-year earnings of $0.68 per share for the current fiscal year, with EPS estimates ranging from $0.67 to $0.69. For the next year, analysts expect that the company will post earnings of $0.73 per share, with EPS estimates ranging from $0.42 to $0.97. Zacks’ EPS averages are a mean average based on a survey of analysts that that provide coverage for Coupa Software.

Coupa Software (NASDAQ:COUP) last issued its quarterly earnings results on Monday, December 6th. The technology company reported $0.31 EPS for the quarter, topping the consensus estimate of $0.02 by $0.29. Coupa Software had a negative net margin of 49.52% and a negative return on equity of 15.58%. The company had revenue of $185.82 million during the quarter, compared to analysts’ expectations of $177.88 million. During the same quarter in the previous year, the company earned ($0.34) EPS. Coupa Software’s revenue was up 39.7% on a year-over-year basis.

Several equities analysts have commented on COUP shares. Oppenheimer decreased their price objective on shares of Coupa Software from $275.00 to $225.00 and set an “outperform” rating on the stock in a report on Tuesday, December 7th. Mizuho cut their price objective on shares of Coupa Software from $280.00 to $180.00 and set a “neutral” rating for the company in a research report on Tuesday, December 7th. Bank of America cut their price objective on shares of Coupa Software from $310.00 to $280.00 and set a “buy” rating for the company in a research report on Tuesday, November 30th. Raymond James dropped their target price on shares of Coupa Software from $315.00 to $195.00 and set an “outperform” rating for the company in a report on Tuesday, December 7th. Finally, Susquehanna began coverage on shares of Coupa Software in a report on Tuesday, November 16th. They issued a “positive” rating for the company. Two research analysts have rated the stock with a sell rating, nine have given a hold rating and fourteen have given a buy rating to the company. Based on data from MarketBeat.com, the stock has a consensus rating of “Hold” and an average price target of $220.57.

COUP traded down $3.62 during trading on Friday, reaching $115.97. 1,442,852 shares of the stock were exchanged, compared to its average volume of 1,759,192. The stock has a market cap of $8.66 billion, a P/E ratio of -24.67 and a beta of 1.42. Coupa Software has a twelve month low of $114.27 and a twelve month high of $377.04. The stock’s 50 day moving average price is $141.13 and its two-hundred day moving average price is $196.12. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 1.02, a quick ratio of 0.82 and a current ratio of 0.82.

In other news, insider Mark Riggs sold 2,494 shares of the business’s stock in a transaction dated Wednesday, December 8th. The stock was sold at an average price of $167.93, for a total value of $418,817.42. The sale was disclosed in a legal filing with the Securities & Exchange Commission, which is available at the SEC website. Also, insider Todd R. Ford sold 2,957 shares of the company’s stock in a transaction dated Tuesday, December 21st. The stock was sold at an average price of $156.14, for a total value of $461,705.98. The disclosure for this sale can be found here. Insiders sold a total of 18,695 shares of company stock worth $2,953,473 over the last quarter. Company insiders own 2.60% of the company’s stock.

Institutional investors have recently modified their holdings of the stock. Montag A & Associates Inc. raised its stake in shares of Coupa Software by 336.8% in the fourth quarter. Montag A & Associates Inc. now owns 166 shares of the technology company’s stock valued at $26,000 after acquiring an additional 128 shares in the last quarter. Harbor Investment Advisory LLC purchased a new stake in Coupa Software in the 3rd quarter valued at approximately $37,000. Sandy Cove Advisors LLC purchased a new stake in shares of Coupa Software during the 4th quarter worth approximately $30,000. SRS Capital Advisors Inc. boosted its stake in shares of Coupa Software by 49.6% during the 3rd quarter. SRS Capital Advisors Inc. now owns 196 shares of the technology company’s stock worth $43,000 after acquiring an additional 65 shares in the last quarter. Finally, IFP Advisors Inc lifted its stake in Coupa Software by 64.5% in the 3rd quarter. IFP Advisors Inc now owns 199 shares of the technology company’s stock valued at $76,000 after buying an additional 78 shares in the last quarter.

Coupa Software Company Profile

Coupa Software, Inc engages in the provision of business spend management (BSM) solutions. Its products include invoice, expense, pay, spend analysis, strategic sourcing, contract management contingent workforce, and supplier management. The company was founded by Noah Eisner and Dave Stephens in 2006 and is headquartered in San Mateo, CA.

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