$0.08 EPS Expected for BRP Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:BRP) This Quarter

$0.08 EPS Expected for BRP Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:BRP) This Quarter

Equities research analysts expect BRP Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:BRP) to post earnings of $0.08 per share for the current quarter, Zacks reports. Five analysts have made estimates for BRP Group’s earnings, with the highest EPS estimate coming in at $0.11 and the lowest estimate coming in at $0.07. BRP Group reported earnings of $0.06 per share in the same quarter last year, which would suggest a positive year-over-year growth rate of 33.3%. The business is expected to announce its next earnings results on Thursday, March 10th.

According to Zacks, analysts expect that BRP Group will report full-year earnings of $0.77 per share for the current financial year, with EPS estimates ranging from $0.74 to $0.80. For the next financial year, analysts forecast that the firm will report earnings of $1.10 per share, with EPS estimates ranging from $0.96 to $1.20. Zacks’ earnings per share calculations are an average based on a survey of analysts that follow BRP Group.

BRP Group (NASDAQ:BRP) last issued its quarterly earnings data on Monday, November 8th. The company reported $0.06 earnings per share for the quarter, missing the consensus estimate of $0.09 by ($0.03). BRP Group had a positive return on equity of 6.78% and a negative net margin of 3.83%. The business had revenue of $135.56 million during the quarter, compared to the consensus estimate of $129.51 million.

A number of analysts have commented on BRP shares. Wells Fargo & Company cut their price target on shares of BRP Group from $45.00 to $44.00 and set an “overweight” rating on the stock in a research report on Tuesday, January 4th. Jefferies Financial Group started coverage on shares of BRP Group in a research report on Thursday, November 18th. They set a “hold” rating and a $39.00 price target on the stock. Raymond James upped their price target on shares of BRP Group from $38.00 to $43.00 and gave the company an “outperform” rating in a research report on Thursday, November 11th. Finally, Morgan Stanley started coverage on shares of BRP Group in a research report on Thursday, October 28th. They set an “equal weight” rating and a $43.00 price target on the stock. Three investment analysts have rated the stock with a hold rating and four have issued a buy rating to the company’s stock. According to MarketBeat, the stock presently has an average rating of “Buy” and an average target price of $38.00.

Shares of BRP Group stock opened at $33.46 on Friday. The company has a quick ratio of 1.72, a current ratio of 1.72 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.54. BRP Group has a twelve month low of $22.79 and a twelve month high of $45.36. The stock has a market cap of $3.75 billion, a price-to-earnings ratio of -71.19, a P/E/G ratio of 0.83 and a beta of 1.67. The company’s fifty day moving average is $36.68 and its 200 day moving average is $33.85.

BRP Group Company Profile

BRP Group, Inc markets and sells insurance products and services in the United States. The company operates through four segments: Middle Market, Specialty, MainStreet, and Medicare. The Middle Market segment provides private risk management, commercial risk management, and employee benefits solutions for mid-to-large size businesses, and high net worth individuals and families.

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