Nautilus, Inc. (NYSE:NLS) Receives Average Rating of “Buy” from Analysts

Nautilus, Inc. (NYSE:NLS) Receives Average Rating of “Buy” from Analysts

Nautilus, Inc. (NYSE:NLS) has earned an average recommendation of “Buy” from the six brokerages that are presently covering the company, reports. Three investment analysts have rated the stock with a hold rating and three have issued a buy rating on the company. The average twelve-month price target among brokers that have updated their coverage on the stock in the last year is $14.63.

A number of research analysts have recently weighed in on NLS shares. Zacks Investment Research upgraded Nautilus from a “sell” rating to a “hold” rating in a research report on Wednesday, November 3rd. Truist Securities lowered their price target on shares of Nautilus from $23.00 to $15.00 and set a “buy” rating for the company in a report on Wednesday, November 10th. Lake Street Capital decreased their price objective on shares of Nautilus from $29.00 to $16.00 and set a “buy” rating for the company in a research note on Wednesday, November 10th. Finally, Truist decreased their price objective on shares of Nautilus from $23.00 to $15.00 and set a “buy” rating for the company in a research note on Wednesday, November 10th.

NYSE:NLS opened at $6.33 on Wednesday. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.07, a current ratio of 1.90 and a quick ratio of 0.83. The firm has a market capitalization of $197.34 million, a price-to-earnings ratio of 3.01 and a beta of 1.65. Nautilus has a one year low of $6.16 and a one year high of $31.38. The business has a fifty day moving average price of $8.39 and a 200-day moving average price of $11.55.

Nautilus (NYSE:NLS) last issued its quarterly earnings results on Tuesday, November 9th. The specialty retailer reported $0.03 earnings per share (EPS) for the quarter, missing the Zacks’ consensus estimate of $0.06 by ($0.03). Nautilus had a return on equity of 42.62% and a net margin of 9.56%. The business had revenue of $137.96 million during the quarter, compared to analysts’ expectations of $151.07 million. During the same quarter in the previous year, the company posted $0.87 EPS. On average, equities research analysts expect that Nautilus will post -0.65 earnings per share for the current fiscal year.

Hedge funds and other institutional investors have recently added to or reduced their stakes in the business. Bank of New York Mellon Corp lifted its stake in shares of Nautilus by 3.8% during the third quarter. Bank of New York Mellon Corp now owns 150,955 shares of the specialty retailer’s stock worth $1,406,000 after buying an additional 5,487 shares during the period. BNP Paribas Arbitrage SA lifted its position in Nautilus by 136.1% during the third quarter. BNP Paribas Arbitrage SA now owns 9,177 shares of the specialty retailer’s stock valued at $85,000 after purchasing an additional 5,290 shares during the period. Squarepoint Ops LLC acquired a new position in Nautilus during the third quarter valued at $119,000. Voloridge Investment Management LLC acquired a new position in shares of Nautilus in the third quarter worth about $1,046,000. Finally, Maverick Capital Ltd. acquired a new position in shares of Nautilus in the third quarter worth about $1,412,000. 67.47% of the stock is currently owned by institutional investors and hedge funds.

Nautilus Company Profile

Nautilus, Inc engages in the provision of fitness products. It operates through the Direct and Retail segments. The Direct segment offers products directly to consumers through direct advertising, catalogs and the Internet. The Retail segment retails products through a network of independent retail companies with stores located in the United States and Canada, as well as Internet-based merchandising.

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