Travis Perkins (LON:TPK) had its price target raised by research analysts at Liberum Capital from GBX 1,969 ($26.11) to GBX 2,065 ($27.38) in a research report issued on Tuesday, reports. The firm currently has a “buy” rating on the stock. Liberum Capital’s target price would indicate a potential upside of 33.42% from the stock’s previous close.
A number of other equities research analysts also recently commented on TPK. JPMorgan Chase & Co. reiterated an “overweight” rating and set a GBX 2,000 ($26.52) price target on shares of Travis Perkins in a report on Friday, October 15th. Shore Capital restated a “sell” rating on shares of Travis Perkins in a research note on Tuesday, November 9th. Peel Hunt reiterated an “add” rating and set a GBX 1,900 ($25.20) target price on shares of Travis Perkins in a research note on Thursday, October 28th. Berenberg Bank reduced their price objective on shares of Travis Perkins from GBX 2,060 ($27.32) to GBX 2,000 ($26.52) and set a “buy” rating for the company in a report on Monday, November 1st. Finally, Peel Hunt reaffirmed an “add” rating and set a GBX 1,900 ($25.20) price objective on shares of Travis Perkins in a research note on Thursday, October 28th. One analyst has rated the stock with a sell rating, one has given a hold rating and thirteen have assigned a buy rating to the company’s stock. According to data from MarketBeat, Travis Perkins presently has an average rating of “Buy” and a consensus target price of GBX 1,888.62 ($25.04).
Shares of LON:TPK opened at GBX 1,547.75 ($20.52) on Tuesday. The stock has a market cap of £3.44 billion and a P/E ratio of 25.11. The firm has a fifty day moving average price of GBX 1,564.59 and a 200 day moving average price of GBX 2,794.64. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 50.37, a current ratio of 1.59 and a quick ratio of 0.81. Travis Perkins has a 1-year low of GBX 1,224.01 ($16.23) and a 1-year high of GBX 2,051 ($27.20).
In other Travis Perkins news, insider Jasmine Whitbread sold 2,170 shares of Travis Perkins stock in a transaction dated Wednesday, September 22nd. The stock was sold at an average price of GBX 1,727 ($22.90), for a total transaction of £37,475.90 ($49,696.19).
Travis Perkins Company Profile
Travis Perkins plc distributes building materials to the building, construction, and home improvement markets in the United Kingdom. It operates through four segments: Merchanting, Retail, Toolstation, and Plumbing & Heating. The Merchanting segment distributes interior building products, which include drywalls, ceilings, external envelopes, fire protection products, flooring and partitioning products, and tools and accessories to professionals within the construction industry; civil, drainage, and heavy building materials to specialist contractors and trade professionals; and pipeline and heating solutions.