Petros (PTPI) falls 2.67% in Light Trading

Petros (PTPI) falls 2.67% in Light Trading

Petros Pharmaceuticals Inc (NASDAQ: PTPI) shares fell 2.67%, or $0.05 per share, to close Wednesday at $1.82. After opening the day at $1.86, shares of Petros fluctuated between $1.97 and $1.80. 25,034 shares traded hands a decrease from their 30 day average of 50,909. Wednesday’s activity brought Petros’s market cap to $17,884,410.

About Petros Pharmaceuticals Inc

Petros Pharmaceuticals is committed to the goal of becoming a world-leading specialized men’s health company by identifying, developing, acquiring, and commercializing innovative therapeutics for men’s health issues including, but not limited to erectile dysfunction, endothelial dysfunction, psychosexual and psychosocial ailments, Peyronie’s disease, hormone health and substance use disorders.

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