Upwork (UPWK) falls 3.42%

Upwork (UPWK) falls 3.42%

Today, Upwork Inc Inc’s (NASDAQ: UPWK) stock fell $1.7, accounting for a 3.42% decrease. Upwork opened at $47.03 before trading between $48.28 and $46.81 throughout Monday’s session. The activity saw Upwork’s market cap fall to $6,125,605,872 on 1,591,878 shares -above their 30-day average of 1,196,344.

About Upwork Inc

Upwork is the world’s largest work marketplace that connects businesses with independent talent, as measured by GSV. We serve everyone from one-person startups to 30% of the Fortune 100 with a powerful, trust-driven platform that enables companies and freelancers to work together in new ways that unlock their potential. Our talent community earned over $2 billion on Upwork in 2019 across more than 8,000 skills, including website & app development, creative & design, customer support, finance & accounting, consulting, and operations.

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