Opendoor (OPEN) falls 1.00% in Light Trading

Opendoor (OPEN) falls 1.00% in Light Trading

Opendoor Technologies Inc (NASDAQ: OPEN) fell to close at $14.82 Friday after losing $0.15 (1.00%) on volume of 6,417,353 shares. The stock ranged from a high of $15.04 to a low of $14.62 while Opendoor’s market cap now stands at $8,561,437,544.

About Opendoor Technologies Inc

Opendoor’s mission is to empower everyone with the freedom to move. Since 2014, Opendoor has provided people across the U.S. with a radically simple way to buy, sell or trade-in a home. Opendoor operates in a growing number of markets across the U.S.

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