Moneygram International Inc. is a MoneyGram International Inc offers products and services under its two reporting segments; Global Funds Transfer, which is the core revenue generator, and Financial Paper Products.
Moneygram International Inc. (MGI) had a rough trading day for Wednesday December 23 as shares tumbled 11.84%, or a loss of $-0.81 per share, to close at $6.03. After opening the day at $6.60, shares of Moneygram International Inc. traded as high as $6.60 and as low as $5.92. Volume was 6.52 million shares over 22,678 trades, against an average daily volume of n/a shares and a total float of 72.52 million.
As a result of the decline, Moneygram International Inc. now has a market cap of $437.28 million. In the last year, shares of Moneygram International Inc. have traded between a range of $8.94 and $1.15, and its 50-day SMA is currently $n/a and 200-day SMA is $n/a.
MoneyGram International Inc offers products and services under its two reporting segments; Global Funds Transfer, which is the core revenue generator, and Financial Paper Products. The Global Funds Transfer segment provides global money transfer services and bill payment services to consumers. It primarily offers services through third-party agents, including retail chains, independent retailers, post offices and other financial institutions. The company also offer Digital solutions such as, mobile solutions, account deposit and kiosk-based services. The Financial Paper Products segment provides official check outsourcing services and money orders through financial institutions and agent locations. The group operates in the United States and other countries.
Moneygram International Inc. is based out of Dallas, TX and has some 2,252 employees. Its CEO is W. Alexander Holmes.