Equities Analysts Boost Earnings Estimates for Enbridge Inc (TSE:ENB)

Equities Analysts Boost Earnings Estimates for Enbridge Inc (TSE:ENB)

Enbridge Inc (TSE:ENB) (NYSE:ENB) – Investment analysts at US Capital Advisors increased their Q1 2020 earnings per share (EPS) estimates for Enbridge in a research note issued on Tuesday, January 7th, according to Zacks Investment Research. US Capital Advisors analyst B. Followill now expects that the company will post earnings of $0.72 per share for the quarter, up from their previous forecast of $0.71. US Capital Advisors has a “Hold” rating on the stock. US Capital Advisors also issued estimates for Enbridge’s Q4 2020 earnings at $0.69 EPS and FY2020 earnings at $2.58 EPS.

A number of other equities research analysts also recently weighed in on the company. Citigroup upped their target price on Enbridge from C$46.00 to C$51.00 in a research report on Thursday, November 7th. National Bank Financial lifted their price target on Enbridge from C$59.00 to C$62.00 and gave the company an “outperform” rating in a research report on Wednesday. Royal Bank of Canada set a C$56.00 price objective on Enbridge and gave the stock an “outperform” rating in a research note on Friday, December 20th. Wells Fargo & Co raised their target price on Enbridge from C$55.00 to C$56.00 in a research note on Tuesday, January 7th. Finally, Barclays lifted their target price on Enbridge from C$51.00 to C$55.00 in a report on Tuesday, January 14th. Three analysts have rated the stock with a hold rating and four have issued a buy rating to the company. Enbridge currently has a consensus rating of “Buy” and a consensus target price of C$55.64.

Shares of ENB traded down C$0.56 during trading hours on Wednesday, reaching C$53.81. 4,115,004 shares of the company’s stock traded hands, compared to its average volume of 4,263,626. The business’s fifty day simple moving average is C$52.31 and its two-hundred day simple moving average is C$48.35. The firm has a market capitalization of $109.96 billion and a price-to-earnings ratio of 18.67. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 94.16, a current ratio of 0.60 and a quick ratio of 0.47. Enbridge has a twelve month low of C$43.02 and a twelve month high of C$54.43.

Enbridge (TSE:ENB) (NYSE:ENB) last announced its quarterly earnings results on Friday, November 8th. The company reported C$0.56 EPS for the quarter, beating the consensus estimate of C$0.53 by C$0.03. The firm had revenue of C$11.60 billion during the quarter.

The firm also recently declared a quarterly dividend, which will be paid on Sunday, March 1st. Shareholders of record on Friday, February 14th will be given a $0.81 dividend. This is a positive change from Enbridge’s previous quarterly dividend of $0.74. The ex-dividend date of this dividend is Thursday, February 13th. This represents a $3.24 annualized dividend and a yield of 6.02%. Enbridge’s payout ratio is 100.10%.

In related news, Senior Officer John Kendall Whelen sold 30,346 shares of the stock in a transaction on Monday, December 23rd. The stock was sold at an average price of C$51.97, for a total value of C$1,577,081.62. Following the completion of the transaction, the insider now owns 200,003 shares in the company, valued at approximately C$10,394,155.91. Also, Director Albert Monaco purchased 6,542 shares of the company’s stock in a transaction that occurred on Wednesday, December 11th. The stock was bought at an average cost of C$51.08 per share, for a total transaction of C$334,160.78. Following the purchase, the director now directly owns 872,174 shares in the company, valued at approximately C$44,550,037.40. Insiders sold 54,253 shares of company stock worth $2,796,860 in the last ninety days.

Enbridge Company Profile

Enbridge Inc operates as an energy infrastructure company in Canada and the United States. The company operates through five segments: Liquids Pipelines, Gas Transmission and Midstream, Gas Distribution, Green Power and Transmission, and Energy Services. The Liquids Pipelines segment operates common carrier and contract crude oil, natural gas liquids (NGL), and refined products pipelines and terminals.

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