S&P 500 gains aren’t large enough to prove the market is in a bubble

S&P 500 gains aren’t large enough to prove the market is in a bubble

Don’t miss these top money and investing features:

Topics popular with readers this past week include stories about whether the U.S. stock market is really in a bubble, retirement and inflation concerns, and why it pays to drive a cheap car.

Believing all this talk about a stock market bubble can land you in real trouble
S&P 500 gains aren’t large enough to prove the market is overheated, writes Mark Hulbert.
Believing all this talk about a stock market bubble can land you in real trouble

The inflation bet you’re making for retirement — even if you don’t know it
Retirees may not be considering the risk of higher inflation in coming decades.
The inflation bet you’re making for retirement—even if you don’t know it

The road to riches is this simple: Drive a crappy car
Buying new cars is like taking $40,000 and setting it on fire.

Investing in collectibles has its own risks and rewards
Buy what you love.

Why investing in tech but not in employees doesn’t yield results
More than 70% of business executives say they’re planning to invest in technology, but only 3% are planning to invest in new skills for their employees. Here’s why that’s a problem.

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