Equities Analysts Boost Earnings Estimates for Copart, Inc. (CPRT)

Equities Analysts Boost Earnings Estimates for Copart, Inc. (CPRT)

Copart, Inc. (NASDAQ:CPRT) – Equities researchers at Northcoast Research lifted their FY2019 earnings per share (EPS) estimates for shares of Copart in a research report issued to clients and investors on Friday, May 24th. Northcoast Research analyst J. Healy now forecasts that the business services provider will post earnings per share of $2.15 for the year, up from their prior forecast of $2.09.

Several other research firms also recently commented on CPRT. SunTrust Banks upped their price objective on shares of Copart to $78.00 and gave the company a “buy” rating in a report on Friday. Barrington Research reaffirmed a “hold” rating on shares of Copart in a report on Friday. Zacks Investment Research raised shares of Copart from a “hold” rating to a “buy” rating and set a $75.00 price objective on the stock in a report on Monday. Guggenheim downgraded shares of Copart from a “buy” rating to a “neutral” rating and set a $67.07 price objective on the stock. in a report on Friday, May 17th. Finally, ValuEngine raised shares of Copart from a “hold” rating to a “buy” rating in a report on Monday, April 1st. One research analyst has rated the stock with a sell rating, three have given a hold rating, four have issued a buy rating and one has assigned a strong buy rating to the company. The stock currently has an average rating of “Buy” and an average price target of $66.77.

CPRT stock opened at $70.99 on Monday. The firm has a market capitalization of $16.20 billion, a PE ratio of 41.03, a price-to-earnings-growth ratio of 1.63 and a beta of 0.98. The company has a current ratio of 2.07, a quick ratio of 1.99 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.25. Copart has a 12 month low of $44.61 and a 12 month high of $72.51.
Copart (NASDAQ:CPRT) last released its quarterly earnings data on Wednesday, May 22nd. The business services provider reported $0.66 EPS for the quarter, beating the consensus estimate of $0.61 by $0.05. The business had revenue of $553.12 million for the quarter, compared to the consensus estimate of $535.62 million. Copart had a net margin of 28.12% and a return on equity of 31.33%. The business’s revenue for the quarter was up 15.7% on a year-over-year basis. During the same period in the prior year, the firm earned $0.52 EPS.

Several institutional investors and hedge funds have recently bought and sold shares of CPRT. Norges Bank acquired a new position in shares of Copart in the 4th quarter valued at $161,051,000. Oregon Public Employees Retirement Fund lifted its stake in shares of Copart by 2,981.5% in the 4th quarter. Oregon Public Employees Retirement Fund now owns 3,084,103 shares of the business services provider’s stock valued at $65,000 after purchasing an additional 2,984,019 shares during the period. Wellington Management Group LLP lifted its stake in shares of Copart by 242.7% in the 1st quarter. Wellington Management Group LLP now owns 2,546,732 shares of the business services provider’s stock valued at $154,307,000 after purchasing an additional 1,803,686 shares during the period. FMR LLC lifted its stake in shares of Copart by 17.2% in the 1st quarter. FMR LLC now owns 7,226,373 shares of the business services provider’s stock valued at $437,846,000 after purchasing an additional 1,059,798 shares during the period. Finally, Vanguard Group Inc lifted its stake in shares of Copart by 3.8% in the 3rd quarter. Vanguard Group Inc now owns 21,828,682 shares of the business services provider’s stock valued at $1,124,833,000 after purchasing an additional 795,115 shares during the period. Hedge funds and other institutional investors own 83.48% of the company’s stock.

About Copart

Copart, Inc provides online auctions and vehicle remarketing services. It offers a range of services for processing and selling vehicles over the Internet through its Virtual Bidding Third Generation Internet auction-style sales technology on behalf of vehicle sellers, insurance companies, banks and finance companies, charities, and fleet operators and dealers, as well as individual owners.

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