Equities Analysts Set Expectations for BankUnited’s FY2020 Earnings (NYSE:BKU)

Equities Analysts Set Expectations for BankUnited’s FY2020 Earnings (NYSE:BKU)

BankUnited (NYSE:BKU) – Analysts at Piper Sandler increased their FY2020 earnings per share estimates for BankUnited in a research note issued to investors on Thursday, January 23rd. Piper Sandler analyst S. Scouten now anticipates that the financial services provider will post earnings of $2.98 per share for the year, up from their previous estimate of $2.79. Piper Sandler also issued estimates for BankUnited’s FY2021 earnings at $3.08 EPS.

Several other equities analysts also recently commented on the stock. DA Davidson assumed coverage on shares of BankUnited in a research note on Tuesday, October 22nd. They issued a “buy” rating and a $39.00 price target on the stock. Zacks Investment Research downgraded shares of BankUnited from a “buy” rating to a “hold” rating and set a $36.00 price target on the stock. in a research note on Friday, October 11th. Royal Bank of Canada restated a “buy” rating and issued a $41.00 price target on shares of BankUnited in a research note on Monday. JPMorgan Chase & Co. upgraded shares of BankUnited from an “underweight” rating to a “neutral” rating and upped their price target for the company from $34.00 to $37.00 in a research note on Thursday, October 24th. Finally, Stephens restated an “equal weight” rating and issued a $35.00 price target on shares of BankUnited in a research note on Tuesday, October 15th. One equities research analyst has rated the stock with a sell rating, six have assigned a hold rating and two have issued a buy rating to the stock. The company presently has an average rating of “Hold” and an average price target of $37.71.

BKU stock opened at $33.73 on Monday. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 1.69, a quick ratio of 0.94 and a current ratio of 0.94. The company’s 50-day simple moving average is $35.87 and its 200 day simple moving average is $34.01. BankUnited has a 52 week low of $30.32 and a 52 week high of $37.60. The company has a market capitalization of $3.23 billion, a PE ratio of 10.74, a price-to-earnings-growth ratio of 1.28 and a beta of 1.15.

BankUnited (NYSE:BKU) last released its quarterly earnings results on Thursday, January 23rd. The financial services provider reported $0.91 EPS for the quarter, beating the Thomson Reuters’ consensus estimate of $0.71 by $0.20. BankUnited had a net margin of 21.91% and a return on equity of 10.80%. The business had revenue of $223.07 million for the quarter, compared to the consensus estimate of $220.60 million. During the same period in the prior year, the company posted $0.59 earnings per share.

The company also recently disclosed a quarterly dividend, which will be paid on Friday, January 31st. Shareholders of record on Tuesday, January 14th will be paid a dividend of $0.21 per share. The ex-dividend date is Monday, January 13th. This represents a $0.84 dividend on an annualized basis and a yield of 2.49%. BankUnited’s payout ratio is 26.84%.

In other BankUnited news, CEO Rajinder P. Singh sold 76,466 shares of the stock in a transaction dated Thursday, December 12th. The shares were sold at an average price of $36.35, for a total transaction of $2,779,539.10. Following the sale, the chief executive officer now directly owns 355,749 shares in the company, valued at $12,931,476.15. The sale was disclosed in a filing with the Securities & Exchange Commission, which is available at this link. Also, Director Douglas J. Pauls sold 20,731 shares of the stock in a transaction dated Tuesday, November 26th. The stock was sold at an average price of $35.16, for a total transaction of $728,901.96. Following the sale, the director now owns 55,179 shares in the company, valued at $1,940,093.64. The disclosure for this sale can be found here. Corporate insiders own 1.70% of the company’s stock.

Hedge funds have recently bought and sold shares of the company. Marshall Wace North America L.P. bought a new position in shares of BankUnited in the first quarter worth about $47,000. Toronto Dominion Bank lifted its holdings in shares of BankUnited by 21.5% in the second quarter. Toronto Dominion Bank now owns 2,579 shares of the financial services provider’s stock worth $91,000 after acquiring an additional 457 shares during the last quarter. CENTRAL TRUST Co lifted its holdings in shares of BankUnited by 3,160.5% in the fourth quarter. CENTRAL TRUST Co now owns 2,641 shares of the financial services provider’s stock worth $97,000 after acquiring an additional 2,560 shares during the last quarter. Nisa Investment Advisors LLC bought a new position in shares of BankUnited in the third quarter worth about $158,000. Finally, SG Americas Securities LLC bought a new position in shares of BankUnited in the third quarter worth about $230,000. 96.08% of the stock is owned by hedge funds and other institutional investors.

BankUnited Company Profile

BankUnited, Inc operates as the bank holding company for BankUnited, National Association that provides a range of banking services to small and medium sized businesses, and individual and corporate customers in the United States. The company offers deposit products, such as checking, money market deposit, savings accounts, and certificates of deposit; and treasury management services.

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