Equities Analysts Set Expectations for Getty Realty Corp.’s FY2019 Earnings (NYSE:GTY)

Equities Analysts Set Expectations for Getty Realty Corp.’s FY2019 Earnings (NYSE:GTY)

Getty Realty Corp. (NYSE:GTY) – Investment analysts at KeyCorp lowered their FY2019 earnings per share estimates for shares of Getty Realty in a research report issued to clients and investors on Tuesday, November 5th. KeyCorp analyst C. Mailman now expects that the real estate investment trust will post earnings of $1.75 per share for the year, down from their prior forecast of $1.79.

Getty Realty (NYSE:GTY) last announced its earnings results on Wednesday, October 23rd. The real estate investment trust reported $0.28 EPS for the quarter, missing the Zacks’ consensus estimate of $0.45 by ($0.17). Getty Realty had a net margin of 35.19% and a return on equity of 8.49%. The business had revenue of $35.69 million for the quarter, compared to analysts’ expectations of $32.01 million.

Other analysts have also recently issued reports about the stock. ValuEngine cut shares of Getty Realty from a “buy” rating to a “hold” rating in a report on Wednesday, October 2nd. Zacks Investment Research raised shares of Getty Realty from a “sell” rating to a “hold” rating in a report on Saturday. Finally, JMP Securities reaffirmed a “hold” rating on shares of Getty Realty in a report on Tuesday, September 17th.

Shares of GTY stock opened at $32.99 on Friday. Getty Realty has a 12 month low of $27.56 and a 12 month high of $35.03. The stock has a market cap of $1.36 billion, a P/E ratio of 19.29, a P/E/G ratio of 7.96 and a beta of 0.50. The company has a current ratio of 1.88, a quick ratio of 1.88 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.77. The company has a 50 day simple moving average of $32.56 and a two-hundred day simple moving average of $31.57.

The firm also recently announced a quarterly dividend, which will be paid on Thursday, January 9th. Shareholders of record on Thursday, December 26th will be issued a dividend of $0.37 per share. This is a boost from Getty Realty’s previous quarterly dividend of $0.35. This represents a $1.48 dividend on an annualized basis and a yield of 4.49%. The ex-dividend date of this dividend is Tuesday, December 24th. Getty Realty’s dividend payout ratio is currently 81.87%.

Several hedge funds and other institutional investors have recently made changes to their positions in GTY. Amundi Pioneer Asset Management Inc. increased its stake in shares of Getty Realty by 11.4% in the first quarter. Amundi Pioneer Asset Management Inc. now owns 66,537 shares of the real estate investment trust’s stock worth $2,130,000 after purchasing an additional 6,790 shares in the last quarter. Eii Capital Management Inc. purchased a new stake in shares of Getty Realty in the second quarter worth $141,000. Nisa Investment Advisors LLC increased its stake in shares of Getty Realty by 41.9% in the second quarter. Nisa Investment Advisors LLC now owns 5,431 shares of the real estate investment trust’s stock worth $167,000 after purchasing an additional 1,603 shares in the last quarter. 6 Meridian increased its stake in shares of Getty Realty by 2.3% in the second quarter. 6 Meridian now owns 22,388 shares of the real estate investment trust’s stock worth $689,000 after purchasing an additional 494 shares in the last quarter. Finally, Navellier & Associates Inc increased its stake in shares of Getty Realty by 16.2% in the second quarter. Navellier & Associates Inc now owns 30,391 shares of the real estate investment trust’s stock worth $935,000 after purchasing an additional 4,241 shares in the last quarter. 64.57% of the stock is owned by hedge funds and other institutional investors.

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