Equities Analysts Issue Forecasts for Century Aluminum Co’s FY2021 Earnings (NASDAQ:CENX)

Equities Analysts Issue Forecasts for Century Aluminum Co’s FY2021 Earnings (NASDAQ:CENX)

Century Aluminum Co (NASDAQ:CENX) – Equities research analysts at B. Riley upped their FY2021 EPS estimates for Century Aluminum in a research note issued on Monday, August 5th, Zacks Investment Research reports. B. Riley analyst L. Pipes now anticipates that the industrial products company will earn $2.07 per share for the year, up from their prior forecast of $1.99.

Century Aluminum (NASDAQ:CENX) last announced its quarterly earnings results on Thursday, August 1st. The industrial products company reported ($0.17) earnings per share for the quarter, beating the consensus estimate of ($0.28) by $0.11. Century Aluminum had a negative net margin of 7.28% and a negative return on equity of 15.98%. The firm had revenue of $473.10 million for the quarter, compared to analysts’ expectations of $475.87 million. During the same quarter in the previous year, the company posted $0.32 EPS. The company’s revenue was up .7% compared to the same quarter last year.

CENX has been the topic of a number of other research reports. TheStreet cut shares of Century Aluminum from a “c-” rating to a “d+” rating in a research report on Wednesday, May 22nd. BidaskClub cut shares of Century Aluminum from a “buy” rating to a “hold” rating in a research report on Tuesday, July 30th. Finally, Zacks Investment Research cut shares of Century Aluminum from a “buy” rating to a “hold” rating in a research report on Tuesday, April 30th. Seven analysts have rated the stock with a hold rating and two have issued a buy rating to the stock. Century Aluminum currently has an average rating of “Hold” and a consensus price target of $12.14.

NASDAQ CENX opened at $6.07 on Wednesday. The firm’s 50-day moving average is $6.86 and its two-hundred day moving average is $7.62. Century Aluminum has a 12 month low of $5.37 and a 12 month high of $13.47. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.39, a current ratio of 2.45 and a quick ratio of 0.79. The stock has a market capitalization of $555.56 million, a P/E ratio of -43.36 and a beta of 1.94.

Several hedge funds have recently added to or reduced their stakes in CENX. Tyers Asset Management LLC increased its stake in Century Aluminum by 27.8% in the second quarter. Tyers Asset Management LLC now owns 8,912 shares of the industrial products company’s stock valued at $62,000 after purchasing an additional 1,936 shares during the last quarter. Ellington Management Group LLC purchased a new position in Century Aluminum in the second quarter valued at approximately $74,000. Elkfork Partners LLC increased its stake in Century Aluminum by 27.8% in the second quarter. Elkfork Partners LLC now owns 12,254 shares of the industrial products company’s stock valued at $85,000 after purchasing an additional 2,662 shares during the last quarter. BNP Paribas Arbitrage SA increased its stake in Century Aluminum by 893.0% in the first quarter. BNP Paribas Arbitrage SA now owns 11,598 shares of the industrial products company’s stock valued at $103,000 after purchasing an additional 10,430 shares during the last quarter. Finally, First Republic Investment Management Inc. purchased a new position in Century Aluminum in the second quarter valued at approximately $104,000. Hedge funds and other institutional investors own 53.40% of the company’s stock.

In other Century Aluminum news, Director Andrew G. Michelmore purchased 5,000 shares of the business’s stock in a transaction on Thursday, June 13th. The shares were bought at an average cost of $5.78 per share, for a total transaction of $28,900.00. Following the completion of the purchase, the director now directly owns 40,598 shares of the company’s stock, valued at $234,656.44. The transaction was disclosed in a document filed with the SEC, which can be accessed through this hyperlink. 1.03% of the stock is owned by corporate insiders.

Century Aluminum Company Profile

Century Aluminum Company, together with its subsidiaries, produces standard-grade and value-added primary aluminum products in the United States and Iceland. The company was founded in 1995 and is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois.

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