Ernest Albers Acquires 1,200,000 Shares of Peako Ltd (PKO) Stock

Ernest Albers Acquires 1,200,000 Shares of Peako Ltd (PKO) Stock

Peako Ltd (ASX:PKO) insider Ernest Albers bought 1,200,000 shares of the business’s stock in a transaction on Wednesday, April 3rd. The stock was purchased at an average price of A$0.03 ($0.02) per share, for a total transaction of A$30,000.00 ($21,276.60).

Ernest Albers also recently made the following trade(s):

  • On Thursday, February 7th, Ernest Albers purchased 2,531 shares of Peako stock. The shares were purchased at an average cost of A$0.02 ($0.01) per share, with a total value of A$37.97 ($26.93).
  • On Monday, January 14th, Ernest Albers purchased 432,497 shares of Peako stock. The shares were purchased at an average cost of A$0.02 ($0.01) per share, with a total value of A$6,487.46 ($4,601.03).

Shares of PKO opened at A$0.02 ($0.01) on Monday. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 117.59, a current ratio of 0.15 and a quick ratio of 0.15. Peako Ltd has a twelve month low of A$0.01 ($0.01) and a twelve month high of A$0.03 ($0.02). The company has a market cap of $1.30 million and a PE ratio of -6.00.

About Peako

Peako Limited explores for and develops natural resources. It primarily explores for uranium, copper, lead, gold, silver, and zinc deposits. The company holds interest in the SC6 Cadlao Oilfield re-development project located in the Philippines; and the Sunday Creek project located in the Rudall River area of the Paterson province of Western Australia.

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